Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 10- Riley Smith Fashion Photography

Week 10- Studio Lighting with Kyla

 In this photo, the light is directly to the left of the model. This creates a harsh light coming from one side and intense shadows on the other side. It is a very creative way of lighting and not suited for most portraits. This type of lighting can be very unforgiving.

 In the 3 above photos, Kyla (the model) is directly infront of the light. The light is facing the backdrop and angled up slightly. This creates a distinct silhouette and looks very nice.
In this photo, Kyla is back toward the backdrop with the light at a high 45 degree angle. This lighting creates a defined shadow behind the model. If I did not want a shadow to be visable I would move the model away from the backdrop and possibly move the light back too.